Doctor Pure Air

Doctor Pure Air

Good health does not happen by accident. It is a result of intentionally applying the 8 natural laws on a daily basis. These are the true keys to ultimate health. Today we will look at the importance of pure air when it comes to maintaining and/or regaining health.

We all know we can go weeks without food, days without water but only minutes without air to breathe. Our bodies need a constant, daily supply. However, the kind of air you breathe makes a big difference. Studies show that lung cancer is much higher among city dwellers than those who live in the country. In fact, avoiding strenuous exercise that would require outdoor heavy breathing in the big city is important for brain health!

Deep breathing is also vital for creating pure clean blood. In fact, blood won’t flow like it should without it, and it’s crucial for healing the digestive system, and getting deep, rejuvenating sleep! The book Super Power Breathing For Optimal Health And Healing by the Bragg Family, is an awesome resource to have in your personal library! It is filled with powerful testimonies and many deep breathing exercises, teaching you how to replenish the oxygen your body needs for better health.

You can get started on deep breathing today with Wim Hoff’s simple but powerful deep breathing tutorial:


Sandy K Workman
SK Director of Brand Development



In the last few weeks, we have been looking at 8 POWERFUL natural doctors! These are available to everyone, rich or poor!

The first was NUTRITION, followed by EXERCISE. Then we learned the importance of WATER! The last one we visited was Doctor SUNSHINE! And today meet Doctor SELF CONTROL.

This may seem like a strange one, but the laws of physical life would not be complete without this natural doctor. In fact, overall health would be impossible without self-control!

Overeating, overworking and emotional stress are three of the main causes of disease. You can quickly see that self-control includes more than just what you put into your body. Dr. Neal Nedley, president of Weimar Institute in California, shares some phenomenal information on what he calls The #1 Problem in the World. Check it out here:

You will quickly see that self-control is critical to health, body AND mind!

Most people, if they are honest with themselves, know what is unhealthy for them. Unfortunately, it’s not until sickness sets in that they begin to take action.


After sickness and disease have settled in, one of the most powerful ways to get the body back into health is through fasting. It’s also one of the most powerful ways to strengthen self-control!

Did you know that fasting from food for just one day a week, has incalculable benefits! The Miracle of Fasting by the Bragg family is a book with incredible information and testimonies on this! Here’s a link so you can check it out.

Fasting is also one of the most natural powerful ways to activate your stem cells! Check out this article.

If you have never fasted and would like to try it, you can do it a number of ways:

  • Go to two meals a day for a couple weeks, leaving 6 hours between each meal. For example: first meal at 9 AM and your second and last meal at 3 PM. Should you get hungry between meals, that’s ok! Drink some caffeine-free herbal tea with a few drops of liquid stevia or monk fruit, if you would like it sweetened. This is always helpful! I have even gone on a one meal a day, 5 day food fast, and have had exceptional results!
  • If you feel you are able to go straight into a one-day food fast, first pick a day you will not have much to do (preferably stay at home). On that morning make 2 or 3 quarts of an electrolyte-type of drink. Sometimes I will make the following “lemonade” drink on my weekly fasting day: Fill each quart with distilled or natural spring water, juice of ½ freshly squeezed lemon, a pinch of Celtic salt, around a tablespoon of organic maple syrup or a few drops of liquid stevia. Drink at room temperature. Feel free to drink caffeine-free herbal tea during the day to give you variety. I personally like to make mint tea. If you are not used to food fasting and get too hungry, have a light fruit smoothie, or a green smoothie. With time you will progress to a one-day water fast with ease. The important thing is, go forward with what you feel you can do. Whether you fast for a whole day or just one meal, believe me, you WILL feel the difference!

Did you know that you can also fast from other things besides food? Some of these things could be social media, your phone, texting, television, music, video games, gossip, getting angry, complaining, etc. I have a friend that fasted from all form of talking for a 24 hour period! She simply alerted everyone she would not be talking or texting on that day. She shared that the peace that she experienced was incredible! It’s interesting that talk, or speech fasting has been known to lower blood pressure dramatically in individuals who suffer from high blood pressure, and lower cortisol levels in others!

Now, how does Simple Kneads bread fit into all of this? Why not try fasting from all other kinds of bread and stick to Simple Kneads Gluten-free, sourdough for a few months and see how you feel! 😊 And stay tuned for Doctor Pure Air in our next email!

Sandy K Workman
SK Director of Brand Development



Every living thing in this world depends on sun for survival. Without it, everything would die.

Green plants cannot grow without sunlight and warmth, and without plants there would be no food for animals or humans! That’s right, no Simple Kneads plant-based, gluten-free sourdough bread if Doctor Sunshine stopped shining! We must admit, the sun is a very important object in the sky.

But what are it’s practical benefits for me? Can I really receive better health from proper exposure to it? Well, believe it or not, sunlight helps with:

  • Lowering your blood pressure
  • It increases your white blood cells – which help destroy harmful viruses in your body!
  • It is known to help with depression and give deep restful sleep.
  • It is even valuable in forming strong bones and teeth!
  • And did you know that vitamin D, which is the vitamin LEAST found in food, is supplied by the sun? And exposure to those rays helps enhance and change our gut bacteria!

Of course, we do have to be careful. Too much sunshine can be harmful, and more so for some than for others. Dr. Zane Kime, in his book Sunlight, wrote this on page 117:

“…sunbathing is dangerous for those who are on the standard high-fat American diet or do not get an abundance of vegetables, whole grains and fresh fruits. Those on the standard high-fat diet should stay out of the sun and protect themselves from it; but at the same time, they will suffer the consequences of both the high-fat diet and the deficiency of sunlight.”

If you want to get more sunshine and are worried about too much exposure, experts say that the safest time to sunbathe is before 11 am and after 3 pm.

Combine sunshine with the other 8 natural doctors and our true sourdough gluten-free bread, and your gut will become a powerhouse of health!

So, get out there and enjoy the healing properties that have been given to us by Doctor Sunshine!

Sandy K Workman
SK Director of Brand Development

DOCTOR WATER: The Essence of life!

DOCTOR WATER: The Essence of life!

We have been looking at 8 powerful natural doctors that will bring back energy and vitality to your body! Today, we will look at the 3rd natural doctor – WATER!

Did you know that water forms 83% of the lungs, 79% of muscles and kidneys, 73% of the brain and heart, 64% of the skin and even 31% of the bones! No one can argue that without water, life as we know it, would be impossible.

Since the human body is composed of 50-75% water, and our body loses at least ten cups every day, replacing it is vital! In fact, not drinking enough can have a detrimental effect on your overall health. If we lose just 10%, we become seriously ill, and a loss of 20% is fatal! Let me share a story illustrating the power of hydration …

Three years ago, I got COVID. It was pretty bad. I had a low grade fever for 12 days. Every day I became more and more lethargic. I slept a lot and therefore didn’t eat or drink much. By day 13 my O2 sat ranged from around 75-80. I would break out in a sweat when just taking a few deep breaths. As you can imagine, I was very concerned. Everyone was concerned! Friends and family encouraged me to go to the hospital, but I had heard some horror stories from my aunt who is a nurse. I didn’t want to make any wrong move.

During this crisis I thought several times about doing a hydration cycle. It’s a powerful and easy natural remedy to hydrate your body. I had learned how to do this years ago at a wellness center in the northwest and had done it myself many times. But it takes 6 days, and I didn’t have 6 days!

As things got worse, I broke down sobbing. I was so weak and so tired. I finally gave in, said a prayer and headed to the hospital. This was extremely difficult for me, but I left it in the hands of providence.

As I walked out the door my phone rang. Our close friend, and CEO of our company, Tristaun, was wondering how I was doing – “well, I’m headed to the emergency room,” I told him, and explained my situation. “No! don’t go!” He said, “do a hydration cycle!”

I told him my situation was pretty serious and I didn’t have 6 days. He encouraged me to do one right away and in a couple hours to do another round. His call seemed so timely, and his tone so emphatic, that I took note. I sensed a lot of peace with the suggestion and decided to do it before making any other decisions.

About 15 minutes later he drove into our driveway with lemons and some other ingredients, for an extra boost. I made my drink and started the cycle. That was around 4 pm in the afternoon.

For about 10 minutes after the first cycle, I felt nauseous, but then it subsided. About 30 minutes later I began to breathe significantly better. My 02 sat had gone up to 92 and I felt the greatest relief I had experienced since getting sick 14 days earlier! About 2 hours later I did another hydration cycle and experienced even greater relief. My 02 sat was now around 95. I slept soundly that night and woke up feeling like a different person. It was as if I hadn’t even been sick! I did another cycle that morning and continued to experience better and better health.

Now, in general, drinking a half a cup of water at a time is the best; it doesn’t erode the inner terrain of the body and is utilized better. However, if you have a challenge to your immune system like I did, or have signs and/or symptoms of dehydration, then the hydration cycle is very helpful. It is a wonderful, natural way to force the water into your cells, so that the body can do what it needs to do to help you!

For those interested in the hydration cycle here is the recipe:

  • 1 quart of pure water (distilled or natural spring water)
  • Freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon or lime
  • ¼ tsp of celtic salt (optional)
  • Drink this first thing in the morning (before eating or drinking anything else), and drink it down within 20 minutes. I like to put a timer on for 10 minutes so when it goes off, I know I have 10 minutes left to finish the quart. Wait at least 30 minutes after drinking the quart before you eat.
  • Do this for 6 consecutive days.
  • You will want to also be sipping on another quart of water during the rest of the day, preferably between meals.

So, you might be wondering how water and hydration apply to Simple Kneads bread? To answer the question, you need to understand how sourdough works. Unlike regular yeast risen breads, the natural sourdough leaven actually breaks down the grain, allowing it to absorb more of the water. It’s the more complete hydration of the grains before the baking, that helps the bread thoroughly cook and therefore digest and assimilate properly.

So drink up! And don’t forget to eat Simple Kneads Sourdough bread, it’s so good for you!

Sandy K Workman
SK Director of Brand Development

Nature’s 8 Doctors!

Nature’s 8 Doctors!

At Simple Kneads we love helping people feel healthier and happier! We do this, not only by providing wonderfully nutritious gf bread, but also by promoting eight very simple laws of health, sometimes called “Nature’s Doctors,” that when implemented, help prolong life. They are: nutrition, exercise, water, sunshine, air, rest, self-control, and faith. These laws, consistently practiced, will make a a SIGNIFICANT difference in your life. Our product focuses primarily on one of these laws – NUTRITION.

When your body is getting the nutrition it needs, it can do wonderful things for you! Some simple things that will help you better absorb the nutrients you are taking in, include:

• Waiting at least 4 hours between each meal and for adults with digestive issues, waiting 6 hours, will prove to be very helpful (unfortunately, this is not how most Americans eat). But yes, WHEN we eat is just as important as WHAT we eat. This gives your body the opportunity to digest your meals, better absorb the nutrients in your food, have more energy and much more! And did you know that there is even evidence showing that waiting 4 hours between meals decreases cancer tumor development? That’s pretty amazing.

• Do your best to eat at the same time every day. It turns out that our bodies have little clocks inside that tell us when it’s time to eat and studies have shown that adults who consumed meals at the same time every day were less obese, had better cholesterol and insulin levels, hormone regulation, better sleeping patterns, usually live longer and have overall less health problems! Wow! In fact, if you are a sporadic eater, it will be challenging for your body to experience lasting health and function optimally. So, try getting on a set eating schedule. You will begin to see and feel the difference!

• Eat a variety of foods. This will ensure you are getting a plethora of vitamins and minerals. Meals bursting with colors (red, yellow, orange, purple, green and white, for example) tend to be more nutrient-packed and satisfying. In fact, some of the healthiest populations in the world (such as Greek and Japanese) have food variety as one common feature (although they differ widely). In fact, many nutrient deficiencies surface because of a lack in variety. This, of course, will eventually lead to disease.

We want there to be a decided improvement, not only in your health but in every area of your life. For this to take place, taking care of yourself with intentionality is going to be key. When you begin doing this, it’s amazing what happens!

Stay tuned for our next natural doctor – EXERCISE! Also known as “the forgotten remedy.”

Sandy K Workman
SK Director of Brand Development

A Whole Foods Plant-based Lifestyle

A Whole Foods Plant-based Lifestyle

It’s a scary thought for some – no meat, no cheese, no fried foods… You might be saying, “um, no thank you!” I get it! And if you’re a foodie like me, every meal is a special occasion! Yes, food “restrictions” can certainly put a damper on the festivities. But when you give it a try and realize the plethora of benefits you begin to receive, you just might change your mind (read about the blue zones in my article on Transform Your Health and Live Longer).

Aside from the occasional organic egg or fresh Copper River Red Salmon when I visit my parents in Alaska, I have mostly been 100% whole food, plant based since birth. It’s more flexible than veganism and you will feel the difference within the first 3-4 days. If not sooner!  Also, a WFPB lifestyle is not as restrictive as you think. There are so many options out there these days. I love visiting Barnes and Nobles where they have scores of beautiful plant-based, vegan and vegetarian cookbooks stocked on their shelves. For those who don’t like to spend much time surfing the internet like me, a good bookstore is a perfect place to sit quietly, sip on tea and take time to find what will work for you. And it’s great to surround yourself with others who are interested in getting healthier. At first, unless you have superhero will-power, it can be torture to go out to eat with friends who are not interested in making a change.

Also, the plant-based movement is a legit choice in making a difference in your environment! With our planet suffering under the pressure of our choices, and the many sicknesses and diseases running rampant in our world, it really is time to do things differently. Check out this link for a great read on this subject:

If you’re apprehensive about taking the dive, no problem. Just start by intentionally minimizing your processed food intake or make one day a week, a whole food, plant-based day. OR! get a little bolder and just take all fried food completely out! You will definitely feel a difference! Plant-based whole foods, and especially organic, will give you a boost of energy you have not felt before.

Here is an awesome link to help you get ready for the best health of your life! Enjoy!

Here’s to your health AND your happiness!

Sandy K Workman
SK Director of Brand Development
