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Doctor Water: The Essence of life!

Jul 16, 2024

We have been looking at 8 powerful natural doctors that will bring back energy and vitality to your body! Today, we will look at the 3rd natural doctor – WATER!

Did you know that water forms 83% of the lungs, 79% of muscles and kidneys, 73% of the brain and heart, 64% of the skin and even 31% of the bones! No one can argue that without water, life as we know it, would be impossible.

Since the human body is composed of 50-75% water, and our body loses at least ten cups every day, replacing it is vital! In fact, not drinking enough can have a detrimental effect on your overall health. If we lose just 10%, we become seriously ill, and a loss of 20% is fatal! Let me share a story illustrating the power of hydration …

Three years ago, I got COVID. It was pretty bad. I had a low grade fever for 12 days. Every day I became more and more lethargic. I slept a lot and therefore didn’t eat or drink much. By day 13 my O2 sat ranged from around 75-80. I would break out in a sweat when just taking a few deep breaths. As you can imagine, I was very concerned. Everyone was concerned! Friends and family encouraged me to go to the hospital, but I had heard some horror stories from my aunt who is a nurse. I didn’t want to make any wrong move.

During this crisis I thought several times about doing a hydration cycle. It’s a powerful and easy natural remedy to hydrate your body. I had learned how to do this years ago at a wellness center in the northwest and had done it myself many times. But it takes 6 days, and I didn’t have 6 days!

As things got worse, I broke down sobbing. I was so weak and so tired. I finally gave in, said a prayer and headed to the hospital. This was extremely difficult for me, but I left it in the hands of providence.

As I walked out the door my phone rang. Our close friend, and CEO of our company, Tristaun, was wondering how I was doing – “well, I’m headed to the emergency room,” I told him, and explained my situation. “No! don’t go!” He said, “do a hydration cycle!”

I told him my situation was pretty serious and I didn’t have 6 days. He encouraged me to do one right away and in a couple hours to do another round. His call seemed so timely, and his tone so emphatic, that I took note. I sensed a lot of peace with the suggestion and decided to do it before making any other decisions.

About 15 minutes later he drove into our driveway with lemons and some other ingredients, for an extra boost. I made my drink and started the cycle. That was around 4 pm in the afternoon.

For about 10 minutes after the first cycle, I felt nauseous, but then it subsided. About 30 minutes later I began to breathe significantly better. My 02 sat had gone up to 92 and I felt the greatest relief I had experienced since getting sick 14 days earlier! About 2 hours later I did another hydration cycle and experienced even greater relief. My 02 sat was now around 95. I slept soundly that night and woke up feeling like a different person. It was as if I hadn’t even been sick! I did another cycle that morning and continued to experience better and better health.

Now, in general, drinking a half a cup of water at a time is the best; it doesn’t erode the inner terrain of the body and is utilized better. However, if you have a challenge to your immune system like I did, or have signs and/or symptoms of dehydration, then the hydration cycle is very helpful. It is a wonderful, natural way to force the water into your cells, so that the body can do what it needs to do to help you!

For those interested in the hydration cycle here is the recipe:

  • 1 quart of pure water (distilled or natural spring water)
  • Freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon or lime
  • ¼ tsp of celtic salt (optional)
  • Drink this first thing in the morning (before eating or drinking anything else), and drink it down within 20 minutes. I like to put a timer on for 10 minutes so when it goes off, I know I have 10 minutes left to finish the quart. Wait at least 30 minutes after drinking the quart before you eat.
  • Do this for 6 consecutive days.
  • You will want to also be sipping on another quart of water during the rest of the day, preferably between meals.

So, you might be wondering how water and hydration apply to Simple Kneads bread? To answer the question, you need to understand how sourdough works. Unlike regular yeast risen breads, the natural sourdough leaven actually breaks down the grain, allowing it to absorb more of the water. It’s the more complete hydration of the grains before the baking, that helps the bread thoroughly cook and therefore digest and assimilate properly.

So drink up! And don’t forget to eat Simple Kneads Sourdough bread, it’s so good for you!

Sandy K Workman
SK Director of Brand Development

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