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Doctor Sunshine!

Jul 24, 2024

Every living thing in this world depends on sun for survival. Without it, everything would die.

Green plants cannot grow without sunlight and warmth, and without plants there would be no food for animals or humans! That’s right, no Simple Kneads plant-based, gluten-free sourdough bread if Doctor Sunshine stopped shining! We must admit, the sun is a very important object in the sky.

But what are it’s practical benefits for me? Can I really receive better health from proper exposure to it? Well, believe it or not, sunlight helps with:

  • Lowering your blood pressure
  • It increases your white blood cells – which help destroy harmful viruses in your body!
  • It is known to help with depression and give deep restful sleep.
  • It is even valuable in forming strong bones and teeth!
  • And did you know that vitamin D, which is the vitamin LEAST found in food, is supplied by the sun? And exposure to those rays helps enhance and change our gut bacteria!

Of course, we do have to be careful. Too much sunshine can be harmful, and more so for some than for others. Dr. Zane Kime, in his book Sunlight, wrote this on page 117:

“…sunbathing is dangerous for those who are on the standard high-fat American diet or do not get an abundance of vegetables, whole grains and fresh fruits. Those on the standard high-fat diet should stay out of the sun and protect themselves from it; but at the same time, they will suffer the consequences of both the high-fat diet and the deficiency of sunlight.”

If you want to get more sunshine and are worried about too much exposure, experts say that the safest time to sunbathe is before 11 am and after 3 pm.

Combine sunshine with the other 8 natural doctors and our true sourdough gluten-free bread, and your gut will become a powerhouse of health!

So, get out there and enjoy the healing properties that have been given to us by Doctor Sunshine!

Sandy K Workman
SK Director of Brand Development

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